5.3 Zones, Countries and States

fmZonesCountriesStates - Zones, Countries and States Section

This section allows you to manage your Zones, Countries and States in one place, thus saving your time.

Basic operations


In the current section's toolbar or in the context menu, you are able to perform the following actions:

1. [Add Zone] creates a new area (territory) for your business. Specify the name of the location in the form that appears and check the stores that certain zone will be added to and the customers of which can purchase.

2. [Edit Zone]. Use the same form for editing to make the changes and update the information in available zone list.

3. [Delete Selected Zone(s)] - removes selected position from a list.

4. [Export]. Data related to the zones, available in the current list, can be exported to the Excel or HTML document.


From the countries toolbar and context menu, you can perform the following basic operations:

1. [Refresh] data forces countries list update. It is useful when you're changing connection or have any doubts in the latest data displayed.

2. [Add Country] calls blank "Edit Countries" form, which is used to create a new countries.

3. To edit existing countries you can double-click it or use [Edit Country] button. It calls "Edit Countries" form for the countries you've selected .

4. You can [Delete Country(ies)] from your store. You won't be able to undo delete from store option, unless you've made a database backup.

5. To save all your countries data in excel or HTML use the Export to Excel/HTML drop-down menu.


In the top toolbar of the current sector or by using the context menu, you can perform the following operations:

1. [Refresh] updates the data in the current sector.

2. [Add State] creates a new record in the existing list.

3. [Edit State] changes the data on state information by using the form for editing.

4. [Delete State(s)] remove selected position from a list.

5. [Export] transferes data to a separate file of Excel /HTML format.

See also how to edit country, edit state and edit zone.